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Find out more about Synthesis cloud-based services and business solutions. Explore the features and benefits that will help your business and teams improve communication, productivity and customer relationships
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Find out more about Synthesis cloud-based services and business solutions. Explore the features and benefits that will help your business and teams improve communication, productivity and customer relationships.
See pricing plans for each of our Synthesis products. Compare and choose which package is best suited for your business goals and setup.
Discover what benefits Synthesis products can offer your business organisation.
Partner with Asergis Cloud and share revenue by promoting or reselling Synthesis products.
Find out more about what our customers say about us and what solutions Synthesis can offer to various industries.
Save time and money by routing local and toll-free numbers to global, multi-device end-points.
Start Your Free TrialSave up, increase control and build trust.
Save initial investment and maintenance costs when using an Mi number instead of having a PBX installed at each site. You also get to save up on the associated monthly bills of having a legacy PBX system.
You can source numbers based on a country, number type, or physical location. This allows you to gain the trust of the people receiving the call, as they are less likely to be suspicious of a local or familiar number and therefore, more likely to pick up. Such an advantage would help you drive sales in your marketing campaigns or sales blitz.
You will have full control over the calls and you will be able to control and block anonymous or restricted calls, whitelist approved number lists, control when, where and from whom you receive your calls, and set automatic messages. Synthesis Mi Number gives you the power to have complete control over your calls.
Global Follow Me numbers provide you with the flexibility to set up call forwarding to voicemail or to devices of your choice. This allows callers to be able to reach you at any time, anywhere, on a series of different numbers.
With Synthesis Mi Number you are able to have your calls routed directly to the right person you are trying to reach, without having to waste time going through a receptionist or an auto-attendant. This makes it easier for people wanting to reach someone, as it eliminates the problem of people having to remember extension numbers.
Callers which are not getting through are easily and quickly re-routed. Re-routing can be done to another number, from toll-free numbers, and from a local number to a global one.
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We would like to show you a demonstration of our capabilities. We are helping Companies and Enterprises to increase their business thanks to our telecom services and office productivity tools.
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